Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Burnt Croutons

We had a fire drill today in the building, the first in quite some time.  Not that we ever really have any fires, they are usually the result of human inattentiveness.  In this case someone in food service (often the usual suspects) left toasting croutons in the oven a tad too long and the next thing you know about 1,000 people got to spend some quality time outside the Student Union in a light drizzle. 

It could have been worse.  It's a fairly nice winters day out there.  Not a typical 30 plus degree Charlotte January day.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The End of Blogging as We Know It

Just set up this blog while sitting in a marketing meeting that touched on social media. Sister in-law had asked about blogging, so thought I'd check it out, sort of a beta test. This one is cool as it is free and it links through gmail. We'll see if I post to it regularly, or if it gets any type of traction.